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Turquoise lovers

By 12:02 μ.μ.

Turquoise (turquoise) are ancient stone, yet again and again comes back in fashion. The bright blue sky is one of the most popular colors in the world of fashion and jewelery.
In many cultures of the Old and the New World, this semiprecious stone considered for thousands of years as a holy stone, a talisman that brings good luck. Truly has the right to be called "the gem of the people
The earliest evidence found in Egypt are decorated with turquoise furnishings dating from 3000 BC approx.
In the ancient kingdom of Persia earlier, the blue semiprecious stone was worn on the neck or wrist for protection against unnatural death

Turquoise is the color of our ULTIMATE summer bring to mind exotic marine and encounter everywhere in clothes accessories in sunglasses and even shoes and bring our tan

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